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Results for "keyword: "human rights""
Dignity for All A down-to-earth and accessible guidebook on moving beyond rankism.
The Underground Girls of Kabul A reporter's vision for how things could be different for women if they were not restricted to limited roles.
Comes the Peace A memoir about the spiritual adventures of an American raised in Nepal as a monk and his journey of forgiveness and the search for connections.
Amazing Grace The stirring biography of a human rights activist and moral hero in his own day and our own.
Rabble-Rouser for Peace John Allen on Desmond Tutu's Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
Catholics Spending and Acting Justly Charles Wilber on the human person as both sacred and social.
The Rich and the Rest of Us Reflections upon different understandings of the values assumed to be part of the American dream.
Who Owns the Future? Jaron Lanier on how tracking services sell private data about you.
Not for Sale An incisive overview of the global slave trade epidemic and the heroic contributions of modern-day abolitionists to stop human trafficking.
Sourcebook of the World's Religions A grand example of inter-religious cooperation and understanding.